Friday, January 16, 2009

i.Tech Clip Naro-601: World's First Triplepoint

i.Tech has launched the first Triplepoint connectivity which allows this new Clip Naro-601 to be paired and connected with 3 phones at the same time.

Not all of us are having 3 phones. But, it's still the world's first Triplepoint Bluetooth headset.

Refer to below slides to understand how does the mechanic works.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

SE MBW-200 Ladies Bluetooth Watch

Sony Ericsson has a wide range of genuine accessories to enhance your mobile experience. The most unique one could be the bluetooth watches.

Previously, MBW-100 & MBW-150 with 3 different versions are designed for men.
The ladies complaint and we heard you well!
Now we have two models for ladies:MBW-200 Evening Classic with black leather strap with a Swarovski crystal.
Another white leather strap which looks classy with white leather strap, MBW-200 Sparkling Allure.
It's more than a watch whereby Bluetooth technology eases one's life.

The packaging is nice and elegant. It definitely smells premium.

There are three buttons on left which control the music player in your Music Player (with compatible Sony Ericsson phones only). You can play, pause, skip to previous/next tracks.

Another two function buttons on right, which mute & reject incoming calls.

What can it do? It shows incoming call with exact caller ID, with vibration as alert.

While controlling the music player via Bluetooth connection, it supports track ID in Chinese language too!
Awesome right? Below is the specification for MBW-200:

• Vibrating Alert
• Caller Identification and track information
• Mute/reject call
•. Music control keys
•. Music volume adjustment
• BluetoothTM 2.0
• Auto PairingTM
• Time indicator: anolog and digital from phone
• SMS/MMS message alert
• Battery indicator
• Water resistant: 30m
A sharing of article covered by a local mobile phone magazine on MBW-150 which share similar features of MBW-200.

2008年的首季,Sony Ericsson 突然快人一步,抢先推出Bluetooth™ Watch MBW-150 系列;它看起来明明是一只设计精巧,适合豪迈男、时尚靓仔的精工表,但其敏感度超高的全面控制功能,又很容易让人忘记它的手表身份,而以为它是一个手机┼mp3遥控器!

虽然在去年,Sony Ericsson也曾经推出100 系列,但是因为功能受到限制,没有办法全面操控一般手机mp3玩家最注重的歌曲播放次序,例如喜欢听的歌不能够一听再听,想听上一首歌又不回去,结果是春风过无痕,引不起预期中的涟漪。






a) 歌曲的数据,包括歌名和歌词等等
b) 拥有播放音乐的控制键
c) 可以分别控制语音通话以及歌曲的播放音量。

小题:Bluetooth™ Watch MBW-150 系列的功能表

小题:Bluetooth™ Watch MBW-150 系列的特点设计
• 采用防刮花水晶以及防反光材料来制造表面
• 小型LED屏幕,易于操作和方便读取数据
• 在不使用时LED屏幕不反光,维持低调的时尚风格
• 可以在手表上检查手机的电池寿命

a) 音乐版──能够准确的遥控手机的音乐播放功能,拥有高贵的黑色表带、黑色表盘以及橙色显示器,能够配合Walkman® phone使用,最适合年轻的时尚一族。重85g,售价是RM945。

b) 经典版──能够用它来控制手机的音响和来电。拥有高贵的黑色皮带,适合想在事业上更上一层楼,追求事业高潮的专业族。重77g,售价是RM945。

c) 行政版──在听歌娱人娱己的同时,还能够谨慎小心地处理来它。拥有超炫的不锈钢表带,适合成功人士。重182g、售价是RM1091。

小题:Bluetooth™ Watch MBW-150 系列跟手机的互动
a) 当电话响起时,不必找电话,只要看看手表的LED就可以知道来电者何人
b) 在会议室里面开会时,如果手机在外头震天价响,你可以安坐不动,然后用手表来把手机静音、拒绝来电或将铃声调小
c) 即使人机分隔两地,当手机接收到sms时,手表也会给你讯号,提醒你有短讯进来了
d) 附有震机功能,适合在必须寂静的环境中使用

根据Sony Ericsson的官方数据,在使用蓝芽功能时,电池寿命可耐长达7 天。若只是采用一般的手表功能则可耐14天。

各Sony Ericsson专卖店均有出售。

Friday, January 2, 2009

MCM is B2B Enabled

MCM welcomed the year of 2009 by launching its Business to Business (B2B) platform. With this, our supportive dealers can choose to log in and place the order on 24/7 basis, regardless where they are.

You may like the idea where you no longer need to call the respective sales person. Everything you need to know on product updates, features, pricing and availability can be checked online.

Besides, it gives flexibility to our sales person to place orders online too.

First, log in to

You may check the warranty status from the serial number verification too, particularly on i.Tech products.
Get your dealer account registered with MCM with your preferred email address and password will be given by our administration.

Once logged in, there is information for current promotion offered by MCM and a dealer can go for the best package offered.

Browse through the products, either by category or by brand. For sales person, they can even see the stock quantity left.

Choose the model with exact quantity and proceed with the sales cart.

Confirm the delivery address and purchase details. Successful purchase will generate a notification email to both dealers and MCM.

Play around with it and you will like the system which makes purchase easier for both dealers and the sales team.
Eventually, business can be done all the time.